3 Strategies That Speak of a Great BigCommerce Developer

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3 Strategies That Speak of a Great BigCommerce Developer

Whether you are getting started on a new website or optimizing an existing BigCommerce website, the best BigCommerce developer can guide you and help you step up your online game.

In this post, we mention 3 essential areas of expertise that make any BigCommerce developer a GREAT BigCommerce developer to deliver more than your expectations. Their capability lies in these 3 areas.


We will find keywords for homepage, category and product pages when it comes to creating or optimizing the most important pages. We consider relevancy, volume and competition and use keywords that are highly relevant to your brands or products. Besides the Google keyword tool, we also have premium third party services and tools to look for the keywords with high monthly searches. We choose keywords that are narrow and have less competition, so that can rank quickly and easily.

Design and UX

The overall design and UX experience in ecommerce is the most important aspect. When the page loads, we just have 2 seconds to get people’s interest and after then every second we lose visitors.

For each industry, the customers’ behaviors are different. For some industries, the customers know what they are looking for, like in an auto spare parts website, and for some of the other industries they need recommendations and suggestions to help them buy, like in a gift store.

We regard these aspects while creating an ecommerce website design and the user experience to help the online shoppers see and find products easily.


If they can’t find it easily they will not be able to buy it.

Navigation is an important part of the user experience. Online shoppers can be pretty frustrating, if the things do not appear logically. We have excellent experience of categorizing and listing ecommerce products to make it easy for the online shoppers to find anything.

This is not just the placement and arrangement related specialty. Our analysis will consider the psychology of your specific audience too to know how they search for your products.

Where to find the best BigCommerce website developer?

Go to our BigCommerce portfolio and see how we designed our latest BigCommerce websites. This will speak about our proficiency. You can talk to our past clients and ask them about our services too. They will definitely recommend hiring Webecommercepros.

You can call us at 1-888-711-2347 or leave a message using our Contact Us form.

We are committed to serving you better than any other company for your BigCommerce website development needs.

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